Quando in un bosco ne percepisci la bellezza e diventi tutt'uno con il bosco, allora, intuitivamente, sei in armonia e in pace con le Dee e con gli Dei. Essi sono parte della nostra vera natura, la nostra Natura Profonda, e quando siamo separati dalla nostra vera natura, viviamo nella paura. Percepire questa normalità vuol dire dare un senso reale al vivere che è insito in tutte le cose.

Intraprendere la Via Romana al Divino significa iniziare un percorso di risveglio: praticando l'attenzione e la consapevolezza continua ci incamminiamo lungo una strada sapendo che ciò che conta è il cammino per sè più che la destinazione.

When you, entering a forest, perceive the beauty of the forest and you feel to be in a complete harmony with it, then, intuitively, you are in peace with the Deities. They are an essential part of our real nature, our Deep Nature, and when we are separated by our real nature we live in the fear. Perceiving such normality means giving a real sense to our lives.

Undertaking the Roman Via to the Deities implies a path to awakening: with the practice of continuing consciousness and awareness we undertake our walking knowing that taking the path is more important than the destination itself

lunedì 9 maggio 2011

The Second Triad

The second Triad has to be considered a sort of evolution, towards a more popular declination, of the tripartite organization of the highest expression of the celestial divine manifestation. For the significance of the number 3 and the consequent meaning of the triad refer to my privious post about the first triad.

The second triad is composed of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.

Jupiter (see "The Firts Triad")


Juno (Female polarity) - Jupiter (male polarity)

Juno is the sacralization of birth (in very broad sense) and delivery: Calendae are sacred to Juno.

Like Jupiter, Juno has a long list of appellations (Indigitamenta) among which Juno Lucina (“She taking child to the daylight”) is one of the most important. Fecundity and anything can be expression of “Feminine” are typical sacred aspects of Juno.

Juno is also Regina (Queen) to describe her role as Female (political, magical and religious) Authority. In this way a Pater Familias and a Mater Familias are the human representation of the Jupiter/Juno Authority within the family. Her denomination as Juno Mater is something more than “Mother” in the common sense just considering the important role of the ancient festivity of Matronalia. She is the sacred “Fecundity”. In the same time she is also Juno Sospita or the female polarity of war activities.

In this way Juno has a triple functional sphere: sacred authority, sacred force and sacred fecundity.

Juno is also named “Juno Moneta” or “She warning” or “She giving good advices”.

Broken rings or knots are particularly nefas when invoking Juno or when entering sites sacred to Her.

Sacred animal to Juno are: the crow, the goose, the white heifer. Sacred plants to Juno are: the oak and the olive tree.


Minerva (female polarity) – Poseidon then Neptune (in the lectisternium) (male polarity)

Minerva is the sacralization of “craft” and “know-how”, any “intellectual activity”, the “practical skill” (sollertia). She is also “the art and intelligence of war”, the “Astuteness”, the “Reason”, the “Invention” and the “Rational Thought”. Also for this reason she is symbolized by a bronze shining armour (solidity of the rational thought).

In the Ancient Calendar there are no specific festivities dedicated to Minerva except for the march 19th: the artificum dies. She has essentially private cults. Craftsmen are “the Minerva’s Hands”.

Sacred animals to Minerva are the owl and the horse. Her symbols are the bronze armour, the eye, the sight. Other important symbols are the bit and the rudder as symbols of rational control over savage and uncontrolled forces.

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