The main festivities for August are:
- 5 august: Salus - festivity dedicated to conservation and individual, family and community (physical and mental) health.
- 13 august: Idi and great rites for Diana. Women festivity whose rites must be held only by women in a sacred wood. Great rites for woods, the Moon and wildlife and nature and witches.
- 17 august: Portunalia - Day dedicated to Portunus (sacralization of harbours)
- 19 august: Vinalia - This day is dedicated to Venus: she protects grape harvest and new wine.
- 21 august: Consualia. Sacralization of the harvest's conclusion and corn storage in the barns. This day is dedicated to Consus (underground God: "he harvesting, stacking and storing"). Festivity devoted to corn, bread and corn-made food.
- 23 august: Vulcanalia. This day is dedicated to Vulcan ("underground fire") and to Juturna.
- 25 august: Opeconsiva. Ops ("the Abundance" and "Consus' Power") is the female polarity of Consus. Convivial meals based on bread and corn-made food.
- 27 august: Vertumnalia. This day is dedicated to Vertumnus, pretecting plants and trees. His female polarity is Pomona.
- 30 august: Mundus Patens. "The underground world opening". Due to the Fall's approaching and a cycle changing, our world and the underground world are in contact during this day.
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